
Close Protection

Personal safety, professional security: Close protection services

Conflict International’s close protection specialist team can operate just about anywhere in the world, including some of the most hostile environments.

Our high degree of skill and proficiency has been gained with decades of experience in surveillance and close protection. It is invaluable for anyone who may be concerned about their own or their family’s security but would still like to lead a relatively normal life.

Conflict International’s dedicated protective surveillance team can provide an unobtrusive security screen and remain unseen while still ensuring peace of mind.

Close protection in sensitive situations

In certain sensitive situations, such as the protection of spouses and children, or for business people who prefer a more discreet approach when the overt attention of a bodyguard or protection team is not conducive to the client’s lifestyle, Conflict International can deploy covert protective surveillance teams.

Depending on the risk, Conflict International can combine covert protection with other services such as vehicle tracking and TSCM counter electronic surveillance.

Contact us for a confidential consultation.

How we can help

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