
Open Source Intelligence

Strategic insight from advanced data analysis

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) searches and mapping form an integral part of any investigation.

Our experienced desktop investigators search numerous databases we have legal access to, together with deep searching the internet for information and intelligence pertaining to the subjects of enquiry.

These search techniques are effective in compiling general information about a subject and often create further investigative leads to explore. We utilise several methods of Open Source Intelligence searches to include social media, genealogy and database, press and keyword searches.

Our findings are presented in a professional easy-to-read report admissible in court proceedings if necessary. For more complex investigations, where there is more than one subject of enquiry and/or a considerable amount of information, we present using professional analysis charting software enabling easy reading and useful for identifying assets, relationships and links between subjects of enquiry.

To discuss a particular case or our Open Source Intelligence services in more detail, please contact us for a confidential consultation.

How we can help

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